The Playground












Teaching, The Basics, Glossary Christine Walker Teaching, The Basics, Glossary Christine Walker

The Basics: Negative Space

Negative space, also known as white space, is the area around, between, and within design elements that is left empty or unmarked. It is the space that is not occupied by any visual or textual content. Negative space is an essential element of design, and it can be just as important as the positive space occupied by actual design elements.

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Teaching Christine Walker Teaching Christine Walker

Generate (pause) edit

It's difficult to generate ideas and edit at the same time because these are two very different modes of thinking. When generating ideas, it's important to allow yourself to think freely and explore different possibilities without self-criticism or judgment. This means letting your thoughts flow without worrying about whether they're good or bad, practical or impractical, or whether they fit within a particular framework or structure.

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Teaching Christine Walker Teaching Christine Walker

presenting creative

Overall, presenting creative design concepts should be a fun and engaging experience. Remember to keep it simple, use visuals, show passion, be open to collaboration, focus on the big picture, and be confident.

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Teaching Christine Walker Teaching Christine Walker

The creative brief

At The Design Guild, every project we work on begins with a creative brief. The creative brief is a crucial document in the graphic design and copywriting process. It serves as a roadmap for the designer and copywriter to understand the project's objectives, target audience, and the overall tone and style of the project.

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Teaching Christine Walker Teaching Christine Walker

The power of place-branding

Place branding is a relatively new concept that has gained popularity in recent years. It is the practice of creating a positive image and reputation for a location, such as a city, town, region, or country. Place branding involves a strategic approach to municipal communications that attract visitors, businesses, and investment, and to create a sense of pride and belonging among residents.

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Teaching, Experimenting Christine Walker Teaching, Experimenting Christine Walker

go analog

Analog tools, like pencils, paintbrushes, and musical instruments, offer a different experience than digital tools. They're tactile and immersive, and you can feel the texture of the material, the weight of the tool, and the resistance of the surface.

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Teaching, The Basics Christine Walker Teaching, The Basics Christine Walker


Through the use of balance, contrast, emphasis, unity, and proportion, designers can create visually appealing and effective designs that communicate the intended message. These principles are an indispensable aspect of graphic design and are used to produce effective designs across a variety of mediums.

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Come play with us. It’s an experiment. It’s not like any other blog around, but we think it has potential. We don’t know for sure where it is going, but we are jumping in anyway and we want you to help us shape what this will be. We are really hoping for two-way communication.