In design, the elements are the fundamental components that make up every composition. At The Design Guild we work every day, on every piece considering each of these elements. You could say they are a designer’s toolkit. Referring to the elements of design when providing feedback will help your designer understand the direction you are providing. You will be speaking our language. That will make us smile.

  1. Line: a path traced by a moving point

    Example: The outline of a shape or the strokes in a drawing

  2. Shape: a two-dimensional area enclosed by lines or curves

    Example: A circle, triangle, or square

  3. Form: a three-dimensional object or the illusion of three-dimensionality in a two-dimensional work

    Example: A sculpture, a vase, or a drawing with shading that gives the impression of volume

  4. Space: the distance or area around, between, or within elements

    Example: The negative space between two shapes or the positive space within a shape

  5. Texture: the tactile quality of a surface, representing how it would feel to touch

    Example: A rough or smooth surface, a glossy or matte finish

  6. Color: the hue, value, and saturation of a visual element

    Example: A bright red, a pale blue, a rich purple

  7. Value: the lightness or darkness of a color

    Example: A pale yellow is a high-value color, while a deep blue is a low-value color

  8. Proportion: the size relationship between elements

    Example: A small object in the foreground of a photograph that is larger than an object in the background

  9. Balance: the arrangement of elements in a way that is visually stable

    Example: A symmetrical layout with elements of equal weight on either side of a central axis

  10. Contrast: the difference between elements that draws attention

    Example: A light color next to a dark color, a small shape next to a large shape

  11. Unity: the sense that all of the elements in a design work together as a cohesive whole


