Strategy + Goals
The Design Guild, LLC, SCorp
A consortium of highly curated creative professionals.
Our focus is on communication and experience design. Our approach is rooted in place branding and human centered design.
We work in teams so that:
Each of us is only doing the work we do best
We have multiple perspectives on the work
We can cover for each other if needed
Our teams are flexible:
Our teams expand and contract based on current needs.
We work on small individual projects, and on long term projects with multiple campaigns.
We are confident in the people we partner with because we know they were vetted like we were.
We have a shared respect for the work.
Our teams are self regulating.
Each Guild member is a part of multiple teams:
Functional team, for instance, all Guild graphic designers
Client teams, there may be multiple client teams working for one client if the workload is large enough to merit it.
Our teams are like molecules that can be combined to create bigger teams.
We do what we do because we believe that good design has the power to shine a light on our culture. Communication design helps us to better understand one another. It has the potential to shift and mold and evolve a community. This is really important, meaningful and rewarding work.
We currently have registered businesses in Petaluma and San Diego. We will grow this to five locations by 2025 - Five by 2025
Revenue Goals: 2023 1mm, 2024 1.5mm, 2025 3mm
Book about Guild written in 2023
Guild member profit sharing plan?
One pro bono project in 2023 (use for PR)
National outreach for new Guild members
Local AIGA chapters
Direct mail
Design conferences
Host events
Social media
National outreach for new clients
Get on state, county and city RFP list
Direct mail
Government Coms conferences
Community college conferences